Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 5 of Euros

After a refreshing break from the Baltic Sea norm with the passing cold front, today brought back the heat and light winds. We sailed two races in a light and rather steady, onshore 3-6 knots in some solid chop.

In both races, we were unable to have as much fortune on the starting line as the previous day leaving us to try and work our way back through the fleet. We were quite unfortunate in the start of the first one as we had good positioning right near the favored pin and left side of the course; however, the three boats that were OCS happened to be the 3 boats just to leeward of us. AHH! With no lane, and minimal wind shifts, our windward leg was mediocre. But after a good downwind and a very nice second beat we were able to pass 8-10 boats by the finish.

The second one saw us have a similar poor start and windward mark rounding, but a really good second upwind saw us again move our way through the fleet to 10th from 20th at the first mark.

Consensus on day:
- Speed was good most of time, just occasionally we were having problems, possibly due to big chop
- When breeze was a steady as it was, an emphasis is definitely put on starting!
- Our light wind tacks have improved significantly as we now have a mini roll to quickly get the boat back up to speed.
- Twice we were able to recover from a poor windward mark rounding, and turn a poor result into a respectable one.

One more day than the boat and Jesse head to England – 20hrs of driving to be broken up by a world cup match! Zander stays in Poland to coach Chris Barnard (Newport Beach, CA) at the Laser Jr. European Championships in Gdynia (July 18-25).


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